Friday, November 14, 2008

Weaklings or walking?

Weaklings or walking?


  1. hehe,maybe a mistake.

    there are many chaffy dish restarants here,same name like above.

  2. Where's the restaurant?

  3. must be a mistake,where is it ?oh,haven't any one told them about that?

  4. “千里之行,始于足下。
    A thousand li journey starts with the first step.”is a old literary quotation in China. The owner just changed it into "Three man(men) wealking(walking) starts since 2001". This is a pretty good thought but it is a pity that these 3 men have made a cute mistake....

  5. I wonder where it is? The characters are Chinese or Janpese?

  6. I think it should be walking. However, “三人行”can not be translated to "three men walking" simply. The sentence "三人行,必有我师焉" is derived 《论语·述而》which is a works of kongzi a famous chinese educator. the original text is "三人行,必有我师焉。择其善者而从之,其不善而改之", I think it means everybody can be my teacher. If the person has good virtue, I will learn after him, he can be my teacher. If the person is vicious, I could see the same vicious of myself and I can revised it and I can make progress too, he can also be my teacher too. “三人行” means the amount of people who is linked is few and "行" can be understand to live together, work together, study together, and so on. Therefore, “三人行,始于公元2001年” can be understand to let us make progress together from year 2001.

  7. As I know Chinese are commonly have lower level in English,Even they tried to improve it but lack an English atmosphere and break contact with English countries,That's why chinese's english is so bad,of course including myself,because I am a chinese too.
    Patrick if you dun mind be my friend and exchange different to each other,Just add me to your
