Saturday, December 29, 2007

FedEx video

This commercial for FedEx, a worldwide delivery company, is a take-off of the end of the move Cast Away, in which a FedEx employee is stranded on a deserted island for five years.

これは世界配送会社FedExです。数年前のCast Awayという映画を冗談にしました。この映画でFedExの社員は無人島に5年間住んでました。

Click here for the Japanese video, or here to select your language.

Barf Bags

British Airway's barf bags become works of art. They have printed paintings of vomiting on the bags so that customers take notice of them. "To barf" means to vomit.

This is a chance to practice listening to the British accent.

米国のBritish Airwaysでは乗り物酔いのための袋が芸術作品になります。気を付けられるように、この”Barf Bag"で絵画を印刷しました。”Barf”と言うのは吐くという意味です。


Click here for the Japanese video, or here to select your language.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Brash and Rude - 生意気と失礼

Carlos Mencia is famous for being brash and rude. In this commercial, the boyfriend returns home to watch football with his friends only to find his girlfriend's friends at home. He thinks "what would Carlos say to resolve this"...

Carlos Menciaは生意気と失礼なコメディアンです。この広告ではあるやつが友達と一緒にフットボールを見に家に帰りますが、彼女も友達を家に招待しました。かれは”Carlosだったら、どうすればだろう”と思います。

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Alicia Key's No One

Alicia Keys' song No One is currently popular in both Italy and Japan. I don't listen to the radio in other countries so I don't know whether it is popular world-wide right now. Can anyone tell me whether it is played on the radio in your country?

Alicia KeysのNo Oneは現在日本でもイタリアでも一番人気ある曲です。ほかの国のラジオを聞かないので世界で有名かどうか分かりませんが、誰か知ってますか。

Click here for the Japanese version, or here to select your language.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

What a Wonderful World

America's cell phone services are less advanced than in most of the world, and certainly less advanced than in Japan. With this commercial, Sprint introduces a funny new feature. (It's just a joke. Even New York isn't dangerous enough to need a crime deterrent such as this!)


Click here for the Japanese version, or here to select your language.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Candyman / Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy

Candyman introduces new lyrics to the 1941 song "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy" by the Andrew Sisters. The video is made with a World War II theme, and Aguilera appears with three different hairstyles, a tribute to the Andrew Sisters. The lyrics are much sexier than the old version, however. Be forewarned!

"キャンディマン"は”Andrew Sisters"に歌われた1941年の”Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy”ですが、歌詞が新しいです。ミュージックビデオが第二戦争とテーマでアギレラさんがAndrew Sistersに敬意を表すために三人の役をします。今度の歌詞はとてもセクシーです!びっくりしないように。。。

Click here to see the Japanese version, or click here to select your language.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

クリスマスの動画 - Springsteen

最近、クリスマスの動画を探してyappr.comでリリースしました。昨日Bruce SpringsteenのSanta Claus is Coming to Townをアップロードしました。1978年のコンサートの動画でSpringsteenさんはまだ若かったです。この曲は僕の一番好きなクリスマス曲です。


Saturday, December 15, 2007

Santa in trouble with the law!

Copying a television series in which cameras follow real policemen on their shifts, these cops pull over Santa after a few too many eggnogs. They will get no presents this year.


Click here for a link to the Japanese video, or here to select your language.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Sexy Santa Song

Another Christmas video. Santa Baby is a famous song recorded by many singers. This is Kylie Minogue's version - she makes it very sexy!

クリスマスの動画をもう1つで、今度は音楽です。Santa Babyはとても有名でいろんな歌手が録音しました。これはKylie Minogue板でとてもセクシー!

Click here for the Japanese version, or select your language here.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Snow in New York

Today it is snowing in New York. Not this much, but maybe northern New York state is getting more. During winter, the northern cities of America are like the movie Fargo. Lots of snow and wind. The Alps aren't as cold as the plains in the winter.

Today's snow is of a type called "slush," which is wet and melting snow. How do you say that in your language?


Here is a link to the Japanese video. Click here to select your language.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Christmas Traditions?

The American Constitution requires a separation of religion and politics, but most institutions still had a Christian basis. In recent years, many have tried to make all institutions completely independent of any religion. Either no religious references are allowed, or references must be made to all religions. Christmas symbols are a common example of this; is an airport allowed to have a Christmas tree during December? This issue is also arising in Italy as more foreigners live there. Is this an issue where you live?


Here is a link to the Japanese version of the video. Click here to select your language.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Basketball Lingo for the Sports Fans

Here are some clips from a basketball game so you sports-lovers can learn to follow a broadcast. I tried to follow Sumo when I was in Japan, but it was hard to learn the vocabulary.


Here is a link to the Japanese video. Or click here to select your language.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Mom is Santa!

How old were you when you first realized Santa doesn't exist?


Here is a link to the Japanese video. Otherwise, click here and select your language.

Al Gore, Richard Branson, and Prizes for Environmental Innovation

Former Vice President Al Gore recently won the Nobel Peace Prize for the movie "An Inconvenient Truth."

In this video, he announces a prize funded by Richard Branson (of the Virgin Group) to be awarded to the inventor of the most innovative way to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

In recent years, prizes given to private groups for resolving technical challenges have proven to be more effective than projects paid outright by the government, and have even lead to the first private space travel.

You can learn some of the vocabulary relating to environmental issues from this interview.

最近、元副大統領アル・ゴア氏は"An Inconvenient Truth"という映画でノーベル平和賞を受けました。




Here is a link to the Japanese version of the video.

Or click here to select your language.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Mother's day - Do you deliver?

This video is a little out of season. Mother's day is in the spring here in America. It looks like us Americans have gone a little overboard in relying on delivery services to take care of our last-minute gifts...


Here is a link to the Japanese video.

Or select your language at:

Friday, December 7, 2007

Robbie Williams breaks up...

Robbie Williams supposedly wrote this song after breaking up with a well known girlfriend, but on-line I can't find any reference to who it was. Anyone know?


Here is a link to the video with the Japanese translation:

Or go to Yappr and select your language.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

America's food - Hamburgers!

Americans have never been very well known for our culinary expertice. Around the world, our most famous dish is the hamburger. Our fast-food restaruants have expanded around the globe, and if you think about American cuisine, MacDonalds is likely the first store to come to mind. Of these, a chain named Wendy's became a cultural phenomenon in the 1980s with a series of funny commericals.


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Mortgage Crisis - 住宅ローンの問題

The American economy is currently suffering slower growth because of mortgages given over the last 5 years to people that couldn't afford them because rising house prices made these mortgages appear less risky than they really were. Now a significant number of homes are likely to foreclose, and the banks that hold billions of dollars of these mortgages are struggling. 

アメリカの経済は住宅ローンのせいで緩やかな成長になりました。住宅価格が急速に上昇ので払えない客様に住宅ローンを配布しました。今、金利が上昇しまして、大部分は担保権を行使されてまして(being foreclosed)、この住宅ローンを持ってる銀行も問題があります。

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

American's strange shopping habits

If you ever though Americans are strange, this will be proof of it. In the 80s and early 90s, before the development of the Internet, TV Shopping channels were very popular. (Based on this video, I am beginning to think they are popular with older people even today.) The items they sell are strange, but you would be surprise to hear the number of items they sell in just 10 minutes!


To view with Japanese:

Monday, December 3, 2007

Mardi Gras recovery

Katie Couric comments on the state of New Orleans. In many senses, the city was already having huge difficulties prior to Hurricane Katrina. In more than two years, it still has not completely recovered, and some wonder whether it ever will. "The Big Easy" is a nickname for New Orleans. "Fat Tuesday" refers to the Mardi Gras fesitval. This was broadcast in February of 2007.

ケティー・クーリックはニューオーリンズを話します。ハリケーンカトリーナの前にもう問題がありましたが、2年になってもまだ完全に回復していません。ぜんぜん回復しないかもしれないと思ってる人が多くなります。”The Big Easy"はニューオーリンズのニックネームです。”Fat Tuesday"はマルディグラの祭りです。この動画は2007年2月に放送されました。